Monday, May 25, 2020

The Importance of Censoring in The Catcher in the Rye by...

J.D. Salinger was an American author well known for his best seller The Catcher in the Rye, a considerably influential novel that portrayed the feelings of alienation that were experienced by adolescents in North America after World War II (J.D. Salinger Biography). Salinger’s work appeared in many magazines, including a series of short stories which inspired many new authors (J.D. Salinger Biography). His inspiration for Pencey Prep boarding school in The Catcher in the Rye stemmed from his own difficult education at a military school (Feeney). Salinger went through an emotional series of events after being drafted into the army during World War II, and it is evident that his story is very reflective of his own negative views of the†¦show more content†¦Its profanity has been declared in numerous states, as parents claim to be fearful that their children will be scarred by the events and foul language in the novel (Reiff). This fear has been elevated so much, in fact , that in the 1960s there were â€Å"teachers from Kentucky, Okla, Tulsa, and Louisville† that almost lost their jobs for assigning the novel to their classes. As a result of this, the book was prohibited in many school libraries (Dutra). Many people in North America also find the references to sexual acts and prostitution to be completely disturbing, and consider them to be pornographic and â€Å"encouraging of â€Å"premarital sex, homosexuality and perversion† (Reiff). This concern was much more prominent in the years leading up to the 1970s, when most of society was not open to this type of literature. Additionally, rebellion and deception are consistently displayed in Holden’s thoughts and actions, and his obsession with human intimacy may send the message to young people that sexual intercouse is an appropriate thing for a person to discuss and think about regularly. When accounting for all of this, it is difficult to argue that the The Catcher in the Ry e should not be censored. Despite the high amounts of foul language, deception, and vulgarity that many justify as reason enough to ban the novel, many critics argue that the story gives young readers thatShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Salinger s The Catcher s The Rye 2525 Words   |  11 PagesThe Catcher in the Rye (1951) by J.D Salinger is a book with a truly controversial history by being banned from bookstores, libraries, etc. during the time of its release and even now is very scarcely being brought back into the high school setting to be taught as part of the high school curriculum. While being confronted about reasons for being banned, protesters of this book give very vague arguments on why it should be banned such as â€Å"its a very filthy book,† or â€Å"its explicitly pornographic.†Read MoreEssay on Censorship and Book Banning1838 Words   |  8 Pagesconcerning religion, traditional family values, and economic and political positions. The texts that are chosen usually convey vague meaning and many times religious aspects are not mentioned. Is it our right to neglect students to learn the importance these issues have on our lives? Reasons for banning books are limitless. Some of these reasons are that the books contain content that is sexually explicit, nudity, profanity, and obscenity. The bizarre thing is that many books banned are

Monday, May 18, 2020

Transformational leadership in nursing - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 561 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? As we have already learned, transformation leadership is an approach to leadership that seeks to bring about changes in individuals and social systems. In healthcare management, transformational leadership seeks to change the way healthcare professionals and systems deal with different issues in the sector especially the managerial issues. Implementation of transformational leadership in the healthcare system is hindered by some technical and managerial barriers which prevent it from taking full effect in healthcare scenarios. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Transformational leadership in nursing" essay for you Create order The established healthcare hierarchy is one of these barriers which has hindered implementation of transformational leadership for a long time. Healthcare hierarchy refers to the organization structure of leadership management from the senior to the junior practitioners. Traditionally, the hierarchy in the healthcare system is disciplined and very rigid therefore new ideas such as transformational leadership are hard to introduce into the system (Marshall, 2010). The Hierarchy in healthcare system like in any other field is made up of people or practitioners who are already in the system. Naturally, the majority of individuals who have been within the systems for a while favor maintenance of status quo because of various reasons such as the fear of changes as well as comfort with the system. The top of the leadership management is the most non-receptive to the concept of transformational leadership because it disrupts their comfort regarding the processes of dealing with issues in the sector as well as contact of healthcare professionals in the work environment (Wendt et al., 2009). Intellectual stimulation is one of the main aspects promoted by transformational leadership in the healthcare system. This aspect focuses on the ability of a leader to facilitate and encourage the nurses to exercises problem solving and critical thinking skills in the course of their workplace experience. Established hierarchy in the healthcare system especially the top leadership do not particularly like this aspect because they deem it as surrendering their authority to their junior health staff. It is this reasoning that most leadership hierarchy in health care is not keen to implement leadership transformational approach (BAMFORD?WADE, 2010). The other thing transformational leadership in healthcare system promotes is openly reporting and discussion of medical error amongst physician and nurses. Clinical professionals from the physicians to the nurses in the clinical setting have been taught to report such cases of errors to only a few individuals, and this is mainly down to the issue of hierarchy. Senior clinical officers for example doctors and physicians do not feel comfortable letting their junior employees that they have made errors. Junior employees, on the other hand, may also fear to report their errors to their seniors will attract disciplinary actions and other repercussions from. This kind of thinking hinders transformational leadership at unit-level and organization level (Castel et al., 2015). Transformational leadership in a clinical setting also brings about introduction of new ideas and skill requirements which may not be available within institutions. As a result, this may demand the professionals to undergo training and short courses to undertake certain tasks. Established hierarchy may not however like this kind of ideas because some senior practitioners may perceive them as an avenue through which junior staff may overtake them regarding promotions or even compensation. To make sure this does not happen, some of these senior professionals sabotage the programs by unfairly awarding such opportunities to their favored juniors who they do not perceive as a threat (Alexander, 2015).

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Fossilized or Petrified Whats the Difference

Whats the difference between fossilized and petrified? It can be a little confusing. A fossil is any evidence of life that has been preserved in rock. Fossils include not just organisms themselves, but also the burrows, marks, and footprints they left behind. Fossilization is the name for a number of processes that produce fossils. One of those processes is mineral replacement. This is common in sedimentary and some metamorphic rocks, where a mineral grain may be replaced by a  material with a different composition, but still preserving the original shape. What Makes It Petrified? When a fossil organism is subjected to mineral replacement, it is said to be petrified. For example, petrified wood may be replaced with chalcedony, or shells replaced with pyrite. This means that out of all fossils, only the creature itself could be fossilized by petrification. And not all fossil organisms are petrified. Some are preserved as carbonized films, or preserved unchanged like recent fossil shells, or fixed in amber like fossil insects. Scientists dont use the word petrified much. What we call petrified wood, theyd rather call fossil wood. But petrified has a nice sound to it. It sounds right for a fossil of something familiar that looks lifelike (like a tree trunk).

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Definition Of Exclusivity On Quality - 1362 Words

From this past 10 years, many brands have chosen to open up and share what they are but also their values. I believe that other brands decided to do the opposite, working on the notion of exclusivity allowing consumers to be the first, the one and only to own a certain product or to live a unique experiment. The exclusivity of these types of services relies on a simple principle: terms and conditions to respect to be able to be offered privileges. Those types of privileges can be accessible to those who will pay the price but also to people who would take part of a certain type of organization. How can exclusivity be defined? How to create exclusivity? What is the history of exclusivity? Where does exclusivity stand in our culture? Is†¦show more content†¦Is luxury linked to exclusivity? Do we always have to pay to access exclusivity? Can exclusivity be affordable? I believe that nowadays, luxury brands who tend to be reserved to elites are democratizing themselves. Aiming to reach more customers, luxury brands use new strategies: Implementation of entry-level products, collaboration with Fast fashion brands (HM x Karl Lagerfeld). Luxury now seems to be the tool used to prove who we are. The purpose is not about the quality of the good anymore or the service that is linked to it. I do believe that it is more about having and owning goods from luxury brand to show that we are part of an elite. Luxury goods are known to be expensive. Now, no matter the quality, as long as there is the brand. Luxury, its quality and service now seem to be more common that it originally seemed to be. This democratization of luxury brands, does also have negative effects. One of the main negative effects, I think is the big demand for counterfeit luxury goods. If someone really wants a luxury good, but can not afford it, this person will probably buy the counterfeit version of it. With the unique purpose of making believe others that he can afford it. ‘Before, only several goods were counterfeit. Now,

Abortion Should Not Be Permitted - 1705 Words

As of today, there are still many questions and controversies surrounding the issue on abortion. Some pro-choice activists have argued that females should have the right to choose abortion or to give birth to a child. In contrast, some pro-life activists have argued that abortion should not be permitted because many believe abortion itself is the same idea as intentionally killing a human being. When it comes to the issue on abortion, there are differing reasons and views to consider. For example, from a Christianity standpoint, there are Christians who might support abortion, are against abortion, or will say abortion depends on the circumstances. From a Buddhism standpoint, there are Buddhists who will accept abortion because they†¦show more content†¦That is, â€Å"the ovum is fertilized, God creates an immortal soul and this soul has fused into the ovum† (Hardon, 2015). Roman Catholics define these three actions that occur simultaneously together as â€Å"human c onception.† Additionally, according to excerpt 2270 from the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person – among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, n.d.) Catechism teaches that life exists from the moment of conception and therefore no one should have the right to take this life away for whatever reason. There are some Christians who may not agree with abortion because they believe the fetus in the mother’s womb to be one of God’s children and that God gave the fetus to the mother for her to love and protect (Pratte, 2008). If abortion is to be allowed, then this may be interpreted as murdering an unborn baby. While the bible doesn’t specifically address the issue on abortion, however, some Christians have claimed there to be teachings in the bible that makes it clear on what God thinks about abortion. For example, Exodus 21:22-25 states â€Å"someone who causes the death of a baby in the womb as for someone who commits murder† (Got Questions

Chapter free essay sample

Discuss the possible marketing implications of the recent trend toward supercenters, which combine a supermarket and a full line discount store. Supercenter combine a full line of groceries and general merchandise with a wide range of services, including pharmacy, dry cleaning, portrait studios, photo finishing, hair salons, optical shops and restaurants all in one locations. These superstores make it more difficult for the local stores as there are more services under one roof and the products are most likely cheaper at the superstores. Marketing of superstores focus on the mobility of the population and all that comes with that, for example traffic conditions and infrastructure. What the working population looks like in terms of demographics and psychographics, what the living and storage spaces look like and of course the size of the city, the larger the city is, the more companies and alternatives are available.Superstores use price as an effective marketing mechanism in order to attract customers. Commerce was the base of the empire, not the extension of land. 2.How did the development of the English colonies differ from each other? In what ways were the other Empires affected by English expansion? How were the Native Americans affected? A. New York was traded after the English-Dutch battle, the natives was used as allied for battles against French army. B. Carolina was founded by decree, as a barrier for Spanish expansion, Carolina was the colony of the colony, again the natives was used as allies and the Carolina settles encouraged natives to fight against Florida natives.The settles in Carolina established their own rules and the rules were extreme, Slavery was coded and provides absolute power to proprietors. C. Pennsylvania, the last English colony established by William Penn. The land was granted to Penn as pay of debt, England granted Pennsylvania and Delaware. Initially the land protected Quakers. Mr.. Penn trade other land now named New Jersey and the Quakers decide to do the land for farmers not large land owners like New York.All the territory was governed under Quaker principles, among them the equality for persons (including, women, blacks and Indians) Penn trade land with Indians and offered refuges, he was a pacifist and did not promote wars between groups. D. Dutch empire lost New York and commerce; they should accept the English rule. Spanish empire was affected as well when the tattlers arrived to Carolina to stop the Spanish expansion, Carolina settlers promoted the war between tribes weakening the Spanish Empire.And we cannot forget the English empire who was beneficial of all colonies, they payee tributes and was support for a stronger English empire. 3. What changes were seen in the systems of labor in the English colonies during this period? What caused these changes to occur as rapidly as they did? What other areas of life were affected by these changes? A. With the Indian population wiped by health problems and wars between them and with white indentured servants unwilling to do the monotonous work in the sugar and Tobacco plantations, the colonies did massive importations of slaves from Africa. Rapidly the Africans grow in numbers. At the beginning there was white and black servants and a law existed for them, however was not the same, for example the whites had a term for service and the blacks did not, then Virginia was the most extreme and rude with the laws for slaves, they establish the blacks never will be free and no one was born free, the sons were born from a slave remained as slaver for the owner. B. For 1 700 blacks constituted more than 10% of the population and 50 years later they were half.Virginia changed from a society with slaves to a slave society per the hard rules against blacks. 4. What made the colonies so diverse? How did the various populations interact with one another? How did this affect other areas of life? A. The way that was each colony was formed contributed to the development of it, the small farmers in the north did not any comparison with the slavery in the south, and that was basically organized per the settlers, while in Pennsylvania they have equal rights for all, in Virginia they believed in supremacy of the race. . The migration took an important part on the diversification, English as the first, they promote the migration at the beginning and almost 90% of the population was from England, The German migrations helps to the diversification, the was persecuted because religion differences. C. The Indians were another groups in the colonies, some treated like slaves and in other places as a refugees, but part of the diversity. D. And the most important group the blacks, they came to America to work and many lost their right, they have an owner. Chapter 4 Slavery and Empire Slave Cultures and Slave Resistance An Empire of Freedom The Public Sphere- Choose two sub-topics Imperial Rivalries- Choose only one sub-topic Battle for the Continent- Choose one sub-topic and read the Colonial Identities sub-topic 5. How was the slavery System developed and perpetuated in the British colonies? What purpose did it serve? A. The slavery was developed because that was a very good business for all the parts involved b.The slaves were used in plantations basically sugar, rice, and Tobacco. 6. How did the slaves develop their own culture independent of the colonists? What did they do to fight their enslavement? A. If 7. How did England perceive itself? Why did the men in power seemingly Moore the injustice of slavery? A. Off 8. What made the colonists, despite all of their differences, become unified as the eve of the Revolutionary War approached? A. If Primary Sources Complaint of an Indentured Servant (1756) Pontiac, Two Speeches (1762 and 1 763) 9. How do the primary source readings fit in with these chapters? What do they teach you about the actual individuals who lived through this period? 10. What is the benefit of using and studying primary sources? How does this affect your understanding of the events of the past? Why is it necessary to read more than secondary sources?

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Brand Management Highly Competitive Market

Question: Discuss about theBrand Management for Highly Competitive Market. Answer: Introduction: Brand management defines the planning followed by the organization to uphold brand position in the highly competitive market. The company endeavors to incorporate brand management strategies that assist to attract the attention of wide range of customers towards the brand product of the organization that affects their sales growth and business operation. In the present scenario, management strategies of Starbucks have been discussed that aids the company to attain the increasing demands of their customers all around the world. Description of Facts Regarding Case: In the present study, the brand management strategies of Starbucks located in Australia have been described that helps this organization to expand their business in the current location. Kapferer (2012) has mentioned that $1.8 billion dollars of Australian market is possessed by the retailing market if coffee shops. Therefore, Starbucks has launched its outlet in different locations of Australia in 2000. The company has introduced 1,400 cafes serving variety of coffee products in Australia that affects their sales growth in recent years. However, in current times, the company has faced decline in sales of their coffee items and the profit has by 28% in present year. Therefore, the company has focused on introducing the brand management strategies that help to retain the attention of their service users buys enhancing the quality the brand product. Nysveen, Pedersen and Skard (2013) has deciphered that Starbucks has followed these brand management strategies that helps the enterprise to address the needs of clients and to improve the quality of coffee products to quench the demands of service users in the existing market. Brand management assists the company to regain their market position that also affects their sales operation. Address Key Issues of the Case: Starbucks has faced challenges to retain the quality of their brand products in the present market. Dinnie (2015) has stated that lack of business experience affects the position of Starbucks in this highly competitive market. Therefore, the company has followed brand management strategy as an essential part of their business that aids to develop the brand position in the present country market. The STP analysis of Starbucks helps to understand the market segmentation that aids to comprehend the different client needs prevalent in the market of Australia. Analysis of the market segments assists the company to address a single target market to expand their marketing programs. Brand management strategies of Starbucks help the organization to hold firm position of their brand product on the chosen market (Rosenbaum-Elliott et al. 2015). Starbucks has worked on using different logos and images to promote the brand product. The catchy promotional lines help to draw the attention of custom ers in Australia. Starbucks of Australia has also focused on brand marketing that assists to enhance the communication between the company and its clients. The company also works on building the brand value and considers brand performance that helps to address the brand management strategies followed by the enterprise. Revision of Alternative Course of Action: In opinion of Wirtz et al. (2013), SWOT analysis helps the organization to understand the strengths, weakness, opportunities and thread that affects their business. Financial performance if Starbucks helps the company to hold a strong position in the market. The size and volumes of the coffee shops of Starbucks help the company to offer their service to wide range of customers in the country. However, the company has recently faced allegation regarding unethical possessing of coffee beans. It affects the dignity of the company that affects the business. The unavailability of variety of products shifts their customers' attention to other coffee serving companies like Caf Coffee Day and so on. Despite several challenges faced by Starbucks, the company has scope to expand their market by introducing wide range of coffee products. The organization also works on expanding their supply chain system that helps to resist the illegal consumption of coffee beans. Lundqvist et al. (2013) have o pined that the company faces threats from high pricing of coffee beans that affects their productivity and profitability. Constant competition with local coffee shops is an existing threat received by the company. Analysis of Alternative Course of Action: SWOT analysis of Starbucks helps the company to address its strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. Here, the strength aids to understand the inner abilities if the organization. In case of Starbucks, SWOT analysis aids to identify the different external and internal factors that affect the business operation of the company. Strong position in global market, high quality of the food products is the strengths of Starbucks that helps the company to enhance their business in the global market. On the other hand, the Starbucks faces certain issues regarding the availability of the raw materials. Availability of imitable products, higher ranges of product price is some weaknesses of Starbucks that affects their business operation. However, Starbucks has the opportunity their business in local market of Australia that helps to expand their business in the domestic domain. Partnership working also helps the enterprise to improve their service facilities provided to customers. Abratt and Kleyn (2012) have mentioned that Starbucks faces tough competition from the local coffee retailers that affects their sales and profit margin. Many competitors of Starbucks have imitated their business idea that affects their business operation. Social movements in support of small independent coffee houses trail the opportunities for large coffee house chains like Starbucks (Balmer 2012.). Recommendation: SWOT analysis of Starbucks helps to understand the present condition of the company. It assists to address the business strength of Starbucks that affects their business performance in Australia. However, the company should focus on availing opportunities to expand their business in global market. The introduction of innovative coffee products within a low-cost will help to arrest the attention of customers globally. The organization should consider ethical issues to protect their internal data to reduce the chances of imitating their products by rival companies. Therefore, Starbuck should level their product and should consider trademark to restrain unauthentic possession of their product by other business organizations.. Conclusion: In the present scenario, it can be deduced that brand management strategies of Starbucks assist the company to maintain the quality of their products that to increase the sales rate. Starbucks of Australia has endeavored to introduce brand management policy that aids the company to increase their sales volume and to attain the changing needs of wide range of service users in different locations of the country. Starbucks has worked on introducing marketing policies to retain their regular customer and to draw the attention of new clients. It helps the company to increase the brand value of their products among the customers. References List: Abratt, R. and Kleyn, N., (2012). Corporate identity, corporate branding and corporate reputations: Reconciliation and integration.European Journal of Marketing,46(7/8), pp.1048-1063. Balmer, J.M., (2012). Strategic corporate brand alignment: Perspectives from identity based views of corporate brands.European Journal of Marketing,46(7/8), pp.1064-1092. Dinnie, K., (2015).Nation branding: concepts, issues, practice. Routledge: Abingdon. Kapferer, J.N., (2012).The new strategic brand management: Advanced insights and strategic thinking. Kogan page publishers: London. Lundqvist, A., Liljander, V., Gummerus, J. and Van Riel, A., (2013). The impact of storytelling on the consumer brand experience: The case of a firm-originated story.Journal of Brand Management,20(4), pp.283-297. Nysveen, H., Pedersen, P.E. and Skard, S., (2013). Brand experiences in service organizations: Exploring the individual effects of brand experience dimensions.Journal of Brand Management,20(5), pp.404-423. Rosenbaum-Elliott, R., Percy, L., Elliott, R.H. and Pervan, S., (2015).Strategic brand management. Oxford University Press, USA: Oxford. Wirtz, J., den Ambtman, A., Bloemer, J., Horvth, C., Ramaseshan, B., van de Klundert, J., Gurhan Canli, Z. and Kandampully, J., (2013). Managing brands and customer engagement in online brand communities.Journal of Service Management,24(3), pp.223-244.